Ui.Vision RPA Chrome extension: Migration from Manifest V2 to Manifest V3 [Completed šŸ˜ƒ]

@admin I run a ps1 file by powershell, and the script inside that file would run macro.
This is the script from ps1 file I run by powershell:

Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

Stop-Process -processname chrome

Start-Sleep -Seconds 10

Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" '--profile-directory="Profile 12" "https://www.google.com/"'

Start-Sleep -Seconds 20

Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -ArgumentList '"file:///G:/My Drive/uivision/ui.vision.html?macro=F1-payoutAuto.json&closeRPA=1&closeBrowser=1&direct=1" --profile-directory="Profile 12"' 

I never heard of DemoFrames. What is that and how could I test it? Does it help me to make the autorun macro not having the no tab with id error? Could you guide me?

I just know if I open UI Vision by clicking on extension icon, and hit Play Macro, it would run perfectly fine.

Hi @kolor_blind Can you please try adding PAUSE | 3000 at the top of your macro? Does this help? (= avoid the ā€œno tab IDā€ errors)?

Could you please mark this problem as one of your hardest problem to solved? Because adding pause doesnā€™t help. I tried adding BringBrowserToFront, tried PAUSE | 10000, tried open Chrome and wait for 30 seconds or even 1 minute and the start the UI Vision.

All of the methods above are not working. The problem is not in the script. Itā€™s in the way UI Vision interact with Chrome. Not only no tab with id, but there are several other warnings that I donā€™t know how to get rid of.

This is very high on our todo list. We will address it as soon as the Manifest V3 transition is done.

Note: You are right that the problem is related to interaction with Chrome. Because if you use ā€œonlyā€ XClick, XType, ExecuteScript_Sandbox and other non-web commands, the issue does not happen.

Yes, but all I want to do is just web related commands, because I want them to play in the background in my VPS without my attention. That way the macro could run while I donā€™t even open VPS, so I could run them in my sleep.

Please try to figure this out. And if you could, make a more specific instruction on how to use executeScript in this new Manifest V3, because my macros are all messed up after V3. Iā€™m having a problem with 2 similar structure macros but give different results that Iā€™ve already posted it on forum.

no reply to this? my macro is crashed and could you help me? @admin

@kolor_blind the ā€œtab IDā€ issue is on our todo list. We do not have a fix for it yet. Or are you referring to another issue?

I was posting a new post about that problem but @ulrich got me through.

Iā€™ve just read the OP so Iā€™m linking my issue here, as requested:

Thereā€™s also a similar issue here:

Finally, you say we can run v6.2.8 ā€œin parallelā€, does that mean if I install it another button appears next to the current versionā€™s button? I donā€™t have to uninstall anything?


May 9th, V7.0.11: The list of known issues is getting smaller with each update. As of V7.0.11 the current list of open issues is:

If you notice anything else, please report it in the forum.

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Iā€™m struggling to run these two in parallel. Can someone tell me where v6.2.8 is installed please? I canā€™t find it in the Documents folder. I wish to copy my macros to it so it can be used.

Also, do I have to install x-modules again?

For reference, when I installed 6.2.8 from the hidden web-page, it doesnā€™t pin a button in Chrome - v7.0.9 remains. One has to go into Chromeā€™s extension page and open it from its details page.

@admin maybe you can correct me if Iā€™m wrong.

Also, do I have to install x-modules again?

No - one installation works for all Editions + Firefox + Edge + Copyfish :wink:

I wish to copy my macros to it so it can be used.

  • If in browser storage mode the solution is to export (backup) the macros and then import them in the new version.

  • In hard-drive storage mode just point all versions to the same UI.Vision home folder. This is very convenient.

Thank you, although itā€™s not finding my installed x-modules :person_shrugging:

So would there be a problem if I installed x-modules again? Might it overcome this issue and be found?

The currently installed version is v1.0.6. Do I need to uninstall that; if so, where is it located?

Iā€™m a bit nervous removing it, however, because I know it worked before the update to v7.0.x

Just reinstalling the XModules gives you the latest version.

Unexplained halts.

Popping this issue in here as itā€™s happened to me several times on two separate days, and seemingly the OP of the post below, too.

In summary, for me, it halted on the following commands (mostly storeText):

  • storeText
  • assertElementPresent

V7.0.13 has been released today - it fixes some of the reported issues.

Where is the change-log page for new releases please?

[Added]: found it: What's new with UI.Vision RPA - Visual Automation plus Selenium IDE

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Update July 22: The array issue is solved. In V7.1.12 (and newer) the executeScript_Sandbox command supports returning arrays again :smiley: