Brand-new Ui.Vision for Firefox available

Finally, Ui.Vision for Firefox has caught up with its Chrome/Edge siblings. Our brand-new version is now available for download:


Welcome to the team, Ui.Vision for Firefox :grinning:


After the installation, make sure to grant Ui.Vision permission to “Access all tabs”. Unlike with Chrome and Edge, this extra step is needed in Firefox:


For more details see the Ui.Vision for Firefox page.

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A post was split to a new topic: Firefox new version: executeScript_Sandbox issues

A post was split to a new topic: Xmodules not recognized in new firefox version

Hi @admin

I wanted to inform you that ui vision is not compatible with the latest version of firefox ESR 115.10.0esr (64 bit) and does not allow you to install it.

Firefox ESR is the officially version of Firefox for those who use the Windows 7 operating system.


Thanks for this hint. → We will change that with the next update.

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