You can use Kantu’s desktop automation feature to control any other proxy manager extensions (e. g. FoxyProxy, ProxySwitcher) or VPN extension (ZenMate, NordVPN,…) by sending hotkeys to the extension via XType or by actually automating the extension with XClick. This works already now.
As a future feature, we plan to add a built-in PROXY command to Kantu soon.
When do you plan to introduce proxy function (with authentication) without workarounds?
Foxyproxy can multiple proxies with authentication. With all browsers in my eyes. Can you add a very good proxy solution like old foxyproxy v4.6.5 with protocol handler? (e.g. example legacy xpi in this imacros thread and tested with Basilisk Browser)
With Kantu desktop automation you can control addons and set the proxy or socks.
I already create a macro to open addon for manage proxy and set proxy with kantu desktop automation but require more and more time to create a macro with this feature that use image to control addon (control addons not are web automation).
Second way is Waterfox (v56+) with both worlds. It’s usable with Kantu and my Foxyproxy modification. Newer Foxyproxy addon for Firefox quantum has no api or protocol handler.
I tried the waterfox browser is a useless copy of firefox useless, besides the webexstensions of quantum firefox do not work so it’s really bad waterfox.
Stop spaming watefox if paid by someone to promote it in all forums by accident?
it’s simply a bad browser, use quantum firefox is great, I teach you to automate everything, firefox quantum is the best browser in the world fast 300% more than the others and safe. Just spam Watefox doesn’t interest anyone in this shoddy browser you propose.
I posted only my solution for Kantu, nothing else. And the low quality of Firefox quantum in this case but the future is coming soon with your favorite browser. Check the bugtracker of Firefox quantum but it takes years.
The solution is to use the macro created by me that makes me work great because I make great and functioning macros. just use desktop automation with an extension of quantum firefox and you can automate all the proxies and socks in the world.
I realized macros of excellent quality not jobs for beginners. So the problem is solved by me with an excellent macro that supports any kind of proxy and socks just Kantu and an extension of quantum firefox.
Your solution was not fast enough for me. And usually all commands without gui are faster. I understand your reasons for firefox quantum and if the time (or system) is not important then it’s no problem.
Second problem is the newest kantu source code is not available. But Github is very useful in this case but not updated. Admin says it’s coming soon.