Kantu is not connected to a browser tab some commands continue to work others don't work

Hi @admin

I known a strange problem in Kantu, when error appears “Error # 101: Kantu is not connected to a browser tab” some commands continue to work regularly while other commands do not work like the storeeval.

It makes no sense that error “Error # 101: Kantu is not connected to a browser tab” blocks only some commands, as you see the script partly continues to work but the storeeval commands do not work while everything else is, on what all this depends ?


Executing:  | storeEval | var d= new Date(); var m=((d.getMonth()+1)<10)?'0'+(d.getMonth()+1):(d.getMonth()+1); d.getDate() +"-"+m+"-"+ d.getFullYear(); | Date | 


Error #101: Kantu is not connected to a browser tab


Executing:  | storeEval | (new Date().getHours()+":" + new Date().getMinutes() + ":" + new Date().getSeconds()) | Time | 


Error #101: Kantu is not connected to a browser tab


Executing:  | echo | Macro Code |  | 


Macro Code


Executing:  | bringBrowserToForeground |  |  | 


Executing:  | open | https://www.google.com |  | 


Executing:  | pause | 5000 |  | 


Executing:  | storeText | xpath=/html/body/pre | MyVar | 


Executing:  | open | ${Url} |  | 


Executing:  | pause | 10000 |  | 

With error “Error # 101: Kantu is not connected to a browser tab” storeeval stop to work (I look a report that do not calculate the result) but other commands continue to work like pause, open, storeText, and more.

What is the sense that some commands continue to work but the storeevals no longer work in this case ?

Thanks, have a nice day

Some commands need to inject Javascript into the website, and these fail then. Others (like echo, open, xclick, xtype,…) do not touch the page itself, and these continue to work.

Please see also Error #101 Solution

This error happens randomly while running macros so I don’t see any solution because it happens randomly without precise rules.