How to read Excel File cells value to UI Vision for process

Because RPA cannot automate import the excel file to local storage, I want to directly read Excel File cells values from C: to UI Vision for process. The content is
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I tried to use XRun to python script to get the result but I have no idea how to put the result as array to ui vision. The python script like this
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_excel (r’C:\Users\Percy Fong\Desktop\Python\prog\Test.xlsx’)
print (df)
Do you have any solution help me finish the automation?

Excel can export the data to CSV format. And RPA can read and write CSV files:

I tried to use XRun to python script to get the result but I have no idea how to put the result as array to ui vision.

If you must read from native Excel files, then your idea with XRun and the Python script is good:

  • Use the Python script to convert XLSX files to CSV format,
  • …and then import the CSV data with the csvRead command.
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Have not sense to use excel, use csv it’s more easy and fast.