Can I input data in Calc.exe after UI Vision imacro open the desktop program Calc.exe

Row 1
Column A with value 11
Column B with value + (text)
Column C with value 23
Column D with value null (wait for the calculator result updated here)

  • For reading from Excel in CSV format, use the csvRead command, see here: How to read Excel File cells value to UI Vision for process - #2 by ulrich

  • Next you make images for all buttons 1 to 9, just like I did for button 1 and 2 in the screencast above.

  • Then you need some logic that “translates” the numbers like “3078” into the button presses for 3,7,0,8. This is straightforward programming where you look at each char (digit) of the string.

  • Key part: To get the value from the calculator app, use OCRExtractRelative for screen scraping, just like shown here:

  • To save the value back to CSV use the csvSave command