Firefox add-on not updated to 6.2.8 (still on 6.2.6)

I’m going through the daunting task of switching from Chrome to Firefox. One of the first things I noticed was the extension is still on v6.2.6 yet 6.2.8 is the latest stable released.

Is there a reason for this?

I’m going through the daunting task of switching from Chrome to Firefox.

Can I ask why you prefer Firefox?

One of the first things I noticed was the extension is still on v6.2.6 yet

We delay the release of V6.2.8 for a few months because it will work only with newer Firefox versions. But if you run Firefox Version 100 or higher it will be no problem for you.

I’ve been wanting to switch, just didn’t have the time. I think Firefox is a superior browser for many reasons. A few:

Cookie sandboxing is a huge improvement in privacy and security

Built-in fingerprinting and tracking protection

Chrome will remove blocking WebRequest in ManifestV3 crippling content/ad blockers and paywalls extensions in that browser. Firefox won’t

The amount of changeable preference available in firefox. Even the UI can be easily changed to your liking by drag-and-drop changes

Firefox being backed by the non-profit Mozilla puts privacy first. No hidden products or agenda to push

A community where you can offer and get help

Join discussions, vote and submit ideas to help provide feedback and steer the product

Software freedom is very important and so is only one browser not becoming the standard

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I agree, Firefox is a great browser!

I thought you might found a bug in the UI Vision RPA version and that would be the reason to switch :sweat_smile: