Else/if and continue the script

Hello all.
New guy here,
I have been playing with Imacros for years but not a computer language guy, but I am trying to learn so bear with me. I have pasted what I think should work but it times out after it looks for the image.and does not find it… I want to continue looking for the image and start the macro over until the image shows then xclick another chosen image when it does.
See scrnsht here https://prnt.sc/tg2q65

I want to have the #1 visually verified and then xclick the #1 and continue.
“Name”: “mr #2 jl”,
“CreationDate”: “2020-7-11”,
“Commands”: [
“Command”: “store”,
“Target”: “errorignore”,
“Value”: “true”
“Command”: “open”,
“Target”: “https://www.mysite.com/my.php”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “store”,
“Target”: “errorignore”,
“Value”: “true”
“Command”: “visualVerify”,
“Target”: “q4vmy1_dpi_96.png”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “XClick”,
“Target”: “k1hktr_dpi_96.png”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “”,
“Target”: “”,
“Value”: “”

I looked at the image and notice that the numbers are different so they can not be recognized with simlpe image recognition I recommend you use the command ocr to recognize the text.

1 is different of 123 (these have a background)


Thanks for the idea. I saved each image and used the second image to xclick? when first image is found? I would think that would be the proper flow.

Also Visual verify is timing out and stopping even though I am using errorignore

Still stuck… does anyone have an example of a working script that looks for a image and if not? start over looking for the image. then if image shows ?click the target image.?
Thanks again for your time.

Exist a simple solution

Click on the image if the click successfull the statusOK will remain TRUE with a simple if you can know if your image is clicked or not

Click on image
check statusOk
if statusOk is true (selenium click successfull) (your image detected and clicked)
if statusOk is false (selenium click NOT successfull) (your image NOT detected and NOT clicked)

Read here

Although I appreciate the ideas and help I am more of a visual kinda guy and ask that if you could show me some type of visual example of what is needed I could grasp it easier and have a “I got it moment!”
a simple find the image and click on another image when it shows up.
Show me an example of source code or table view sequence would be extremely helpful. Because apparently I just dont get it? And my attempts just cause a macro timeout when looking for the image even though Errorignore is indicated… How does it look as the sequence plays out?

Create this macro is very hard and require more and more time.

You need a captcha solver, create it with ui vision is very hard and can be cost more.

I suggest you to buy a captcha solver to solve this captcha (it costs few), it seems aurora gpt ptc captcha.

In my opnion first step is find a good logical to detect these captchas, after you must integrate it with image recognition desktop automation, is a very hard work, need an expert and more and more time.

It makes it even more difficult to work that left images (1) are different from right images (123) making image recognition impossible and taking a long time to find a solution.
Image recognition requires that images are identical as graphics and as a size otherwise the image will not be recognized.

I think your reading into it more than necessary.

Here is a C+ script looking for the image validation and if found? image clicks the saved image.
// iMacros.AppClass iim = new iMacros.AppClass();
// iMacros.Status status = iim.iimOpen("", true, timeout);
StringBuilder macro = new StringBuilder();
macro.AppendLine(@“IMAGECLICK POS=1 IMAGE=20200711_1720.png CONFIDENCE=95”);
macro.AppendLine(@“IMAGESEARCH POS=1 IMAGE=20200502_1258 CONFIDENCE=95”);
macro.AppendLine(@“IMAGECLICK POS=1 IMAGE=20200502_1258.png CONFIDENCE=95”);
macro.AppendLine(@“WAIT SECONDS=2”);
macro.AppendLine(@“IMAGESEARCH POS=1 IMAGE=20200502_1400.png CONFIDENCE=95”);
macro.AppendLine(@“IMAGECLICK POS=1 IMAGE=20200502_1400.png CONFIDENCE=95”);
macro.AppendLine(@“WAIT SECONDS=2”);
macro.AppendLine(@“IMAGESEARCH POS=1 IMAGE=20200521_1129.png CONFIDENCE=95”);
macro.AppendLine(@“IMAGECLICK POS=1 IMAGE=20200521_1129.png CONFIDENCE=95”);
string macroCode = macro.ToString();
// status = iim.iimPlayCode(macroCode, timeout);

Show me a similar "Simpler’ Link or Jpg " Even with screen scraping idk? Just show me a working example in UI Vision

Anybody want to give it a shot?