Desktop Automation: Screen grabber (Select and Find) does not work

  • I installed Kantu on Firefox.
  • The I installed the Xmodules.
  • Then I ran my desktop App.
  • I’m interested in clicking the File menu. So I start a new macro in the Kantu so in the Xmodules_Desktop folder I create a new macro “My Test”
  • I try recording but that doesn’t work, doh! Is documented as such so no drama. My bad.
  • So in Table View I click + to create a new command
    • I choose Command = XClick
    • For Target I click Select
    • The Desktop Screenshot window opens
    • I select a box around “File” on the menu bar which looks like: image
    • Alas in Kantu it saves a completely different image: image
    • This is in fact below the box I drew, here is the context: image
    • You can see how the image Kantu took is low and right of the box I drew.

Not off to a good start alas.

The user interface is not clear at this point how I might overwrite file.png with a good copy at least (using another screen grabber) for now to proceed. I can’t find it on a disk scrape so presume it’s stored. I can’t find it searching full file contents in Kantu named folders either, so wonder if it’s on disk at all yet (until say I close the editor and browser) or in a binary database (SQLlite is not in uncommon use) but can’t find such.

Feeling a little frustrated.

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First, sorry for the late answer…

I have the same problem since i downloaded XModules.

You can still upload them to kantu if you go on visual (near logs), and at the top you have a button named “Load Image” wich can help you do that.
I use the windows capture and then upload my image to cantu and use the name of the kantu image.

This is fixed meanwhile.