XMove move a mouse in order

I’ve got a problem recently with XMove feature, it seems working just fine but the problem is, there’s so many icons same as i recorded. So the XMove clicked first number which has #1 and also showing up strange number at the top of icon like this

I would like to know if there’s a command to make XMove mouseover in certain order, i’ve checked the XMove tutorial here XClick and XMove - Real User Mouse Click Event Simulation, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) but none of that features listed in that tutorial. If there’s more simple trick to solve this problem will be appreciated also.


Can you post a url with the site, there are other solution to click but need to see the site to automate.

actually the website is pretty hard for you to trial and error, because you need to login first in order to see that three dots icon. If you want to try here’s the link

I can not login in the site, a possible solution is find an element in the page, click it (click or xclick) after with keyboard emulation simulate TAB KEY to move in prefered elements, and in correct element simulate kayboard KEY ENTER, usually I with this solution detect every element in the page i need.

To clarify the task:

  • So you want to click on all five buttons, from left to right?

  • Are there only these 5 buttons, or are there more of these buttons?

  • Can you post a complete screenshot of the website? (This can help with the solution)