UPDATE: I updated the version of Chrome to the latest and now it works with Chrome. Leaving the issue in case other might find it helpful. Also this thead could be useful: XModules Not Installing on Brave in Linux (Ubuntu 20.4)
I am using Ubuntu 23.04 and have the browsers Firefox, Chrome, Brave. Firefox and Brave are installed with snap.
I installed the browser extension on all browsers. It works in Brave and Firefox. In Chrome when I click it it does not open.
I run multiple times the uivision-xmodules-linux-v2.AppImage
But when I go in the Ui.Vision IDE 9.3.3 settings (in Brave or Firefox) and then the XModules tab, then the status of all of them is “Not Installed
” (FileAccess XModule, RealUser XModule, DesktopAutomation XModule). When I click “Test it
” I get the error “status updated: Not Installed
Can you help me?
Here are is the output from the Appimage installation:
Installing FileAccess XModule…
Native messaging host com.a9t9.kantu.file_access for CHROME has been installed.
Native messaging host com.a9t9.kantu.file_access for FIREFOX has been installed.
FileAccess XModule installed.
Installing RealUser Simulation XModule…
Native messaging host com.a9t9.kantu.xy for CHROME has been installed.
Native messaging host com.a9t9.kantu.xy for FIREFOX has been installed.
RealUser XModule Simulation installed.
Installing ComputerVision XModule…
Native messaging host com.a9t9.kantu.cv has been installed.
Native messaging host com.a9t9.kantu.cv has been installed.
ComputerVision XModule Simulation installed.All done. Happy Automation!