Xclick stop working

xclick commands doesnt continue in the middle process.
the macro itself is still running but the function of xclicks is change into function of click which doesnt work for my macro.
here the script

“Name”: “goggle alert”,
“CreationDate”: “2018-12-15”,
“Commands”: [
“Command”: “store”,
“Target”: “fast”,
“Value”: “!replayspeed”
“Command”: “csvRead”,
“Target”: “123.csv”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “open”,
“Target”: “Google Alerts - Monitor the Web for interesting new content”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “click”,
“Target”: “//[@id="query_div"]/input",
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “click”,
“Target”: "//
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “type”,
“Target”: “//*[@id="query_div"]/input”,
“Value”: “${!COL1}”
“Command”: “XClick”,
“Target”: “id=create_alert”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “pause”,
“Target”: “3000”,
“Value”: “”

only 25 records can be executed by xclicks, remaining records is run by “click” but doesnt work

Can you add a screenshot of the issue? I am confused: The free version has a 25 xclick commands limit, but I see only one xclick in your macro?

And if the limit is reached, Kantu tells you this with a “free limit reached” error message. It does not change xclick to click.

Upgrade your Kantu to PRO version.