XClick - Quadruple Click? #quadclick or #4click

Usually that does not work, since the clicks need to be send very fast. That is why we have the #doubleclick and #tripleclick parameters for XClick.

@wressl Workaround: Since you are on the Mac, I suggest you use XRUN together with the Mac CLICLICK command line tool. It does not have quadruple-click either, but single clicks inside a shell script might be fast enough simulate it.

If you need the X/Y coordinates as input for CLICLICK use XCLICK | where_to_click.png => now ${!imagex} and ${!imagex} are filled with the x/y value, and you can pass it to the CLICLICK command line.

For more info see XType | ${KEY_CMD+KEY_UP} not working on Mac (Workaround available) - #3 by admin

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