Xclick Error - visualAssert: No input image found for file name

I tried check the docs as much as possible but I can’t get the xclick working like the video demo.

I hope I can get some hints to resolve my problem, thank you very much. I’m already changed the confidence from 0.8 to 0.5 but it still not work.

  • The error No input image found for file name... means that this input file itself is missing. The file is not in the “Visual” tab or the /images folder. So the input file is itself is not found.

  • This error does not mean that the image is not found in the screenshot! UI Vision was not able to search for the image, because the file is missing. If the image on the screenshot would not be found, then the error would be
    Image 'trang_dpi_96.png' (conf. = 0.6) not found

So we have two different kinds of “…not found” :wink:


3 posts were split to a new topic: Send keystrokes with XTPYE question

I closed and re-opened the UI.Vision and it worked :man_shrugging:

I am seeing the same error and I do have that image in the visual tab and in the folder (I grabbed it with the inbuilt “Select” tool and confirmed it is both in visual tab and folder).
Yet, as soon visualAssert is reached in my macro, it throws [error] Line 11: Error #121: visualAssert: No input image found for file name 'xia0qy_dpi_192.png'(more info)

When I hover the image in the macro step itself I can also see the image is there, properly loaded.

I am using UI.Vision RPA v 6.3.3

How could I resolve this issue?
(I am storing all macros in my disk using the extension, not in localstorage, if that matters.)

The error redirects here, so I posted as a follow up, hope that is OK.

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