can find the target area but clicking somwhere little left above. Before it was good. I use latest modules. Now it started not working. Usually it clicks to the center of the target now outside of upper left corner.
Hi, is that on Windows or macOS? And what kind of screen are you using (laptop, HiDPI, etc)?
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Huawei Laptop, Windows 11
check please
Thanks for the screen video. So it finds the image just fine, and then calculates the wrong x/y. It seems it is missing the correct point by some constant factor. This looks like some scaling issue.
Some ideas to troubleshoot this further:
Reboot your PC. Does that help?
It seems you are using the browser full screen? If so, try without full screen.
Do you see the same issue in Firefox?
Please make sure the browser scaling is set at 100%:
→ Do any of these hints solve the issue?