Why any of these OCR search is found?

Hi all,

Trying to automate login in this sample site and I don´t know why all of my OCR searches with the commands below result in error, even the searched words only appear once. Why I’m doing wrong?

[error] Line 5: E323: no match found for 'QR#R-10,-10'

[error] Line 6: no matched vision found for 'Baru*'

[error] Line 7: E323: no match found for 'Userna*'

The sample macro is:

  "Name": "test-3",
  "CreationDate": "2024-10-28",
  "Commands": [
      "Command": "open",
      "Target": "https://shopee.co.id/",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "98",
      "Value": "!ocrengine",
      "Description": "Javascript OCR"
      "Command": "XMove",
      "Target": "200,300",
      "Value": "#move",
      "Description": "Mover mouse hasta palabra \"PlayStation\""
      "Command": "XMove",
      "Target": "700,500",
      "Value": "#move",
      "Description": "Mover mouse hasta palabra \"PlayStation\""
      "Command": "XClickTextRelative",
      "Target": "QR#R-10,-12",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": "Buscar \"PlayStation\" y dar click en la caja de email"
      "Command": "XMoveText",
      "Target": "Baru*",
      "Value": "#move",
      "Description": "Mover mouse hasta palabra \"PlayStation\""
      "Command": "XClickText",
      "Target": "Userna*",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": "Mover mouse hasta palabra \"PlayStation\""
      "Command": "XType",
      "Target": "username_test",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": "Introducir email"
|[status]|Playing macro test-3|
|[info]|Executing:  | XClickTextRelative | QR#R-10,-10 |  | |
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.6 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.8s from Javascript OCR)|
**|[error]|Line 5: E323: no match found for 'QR#R-10,-10'|**
|[info]|Macro failed (Runtime 3.44s)|
|[status]|Playing macro test-3|
|[info]|Executing:  | XMoveText | Baru* | #move | |
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.6 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.5s from Javascript OCR)|
**|[error]|Line 6: no matched vision found for 'Baru*'|**
|[info]|Macro failed (Runtime 4.02s)|
|[status]|Playing macro test-3|
|[info]|Executing:  | XClickText | Userna* |  | |
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.6 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.4s from Javascript OCR)|
**|[error]|Line 7: E323: no match found for 'Userna*'|**
|[info]|Macro failed (Runtime 2.88s)|
|[status]|Playing macro test-3|
|[info]|Executing:  | open | https://shopee.co.id/ |  | |
|[info]|Executing:  | store | 98 | !ocrengine | |
|[info]|Executing:  | XMove | 200,300 | #move | |
|[info]|Executing:  | XMove | 700,500 | #move | |
|[info]|Executing:  | XClickTextRelative | QR#R-10,-12 |  | |
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.4s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.4s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.5s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.4s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.4s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.4s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.4s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (570.1 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (2.8s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.4s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.4s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.5s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.5s from Javascript OCR)|
|[info]|OCR (eng) started (368.9 KB)|
|[info]|OCR result received (0.5s from Javascript OCR)|
**|[error]|Line 5: OCR for 'QR' not found|**
|[info]|Macro failed (Runtime 38.37s)|

Yellow text on yellow background is too difficult for our Javascript OCR, but the XModule OCR finds it.

→ If you want to use Javascript OCR, use an easier to read work as anchor text, for example the “Login” word.

To test, use the FIND button to display the OCR overlay on the website:

Javascript OCR Test (FIND button)

XModule OCR Test (FIND button)

@admin thanks for answer.

I’ve changed to XModule local OCR and for the same 3 commands I get in each one the same error when I try with “find” button

[error] Line5: The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined

Hi, are you on Windows or Mac? And what version exactly? We hear reports about this issue, but have not been able to recreate it yet.

Hi @admin ,

Do you have some alternative for this?

UI Vision 9.3.5
Chrome 130.0.6723.70
Windows 11 Enterprise, 22H2

Depending the way I test, the error/behavior is different.

1-) If I run the macro, it stops in command XClickTextRelative|QR#R-10,-12 with error

[error] Line 5: E311: OCR text match for ‘QR’ not found.

2-) If I click in “Find” button appears

[error] Line5: The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined

In other system with

UI Vision 9.3.2
Chrome 130.0.6723.70
Windows 10 Pro, 22H2

1-) If I run the macro any word is found (QR, Baru*, Userna*)

[error] Line 5: OCR for ‘QR’ not found

2-) If I click in “Find”, ‘QR’ is found.

3-) If I click in “Find”, for XMoveText|Baru*
[error] Line 6: no matched vision found for Baru*

4-) If I click in “Find”, for XClickText|Userna*
[error] Line 7: E323: no match found for Userna*

@admin hi,…
Do you have some workaround o alternative? I’ve tested the DemoXXclixkTesxtRelative.
and stops in XClickText or XClickTextRelative commands.

I’m stuck since I can’t continue with this macro and I’ve tried in more than one operating system
