What is ipcPromise Error?

what does this mean & how can it be fixed?
ipcPromise: onAsk timeout 3000 for cmd “PANEL_CALL_PLAY_TAB”, args {“ipcTimeout”:100,“ipcNoLaterThan”:3361329150108,“payload”:{“command”:“SET_STATUS”,“args”:{“status”:“PLAYING”}}}

This error should not happen, it means that Ui.vision (for some reason) can no longer communicate with the website.

When does this happen? Can you recreate it?

It’s a random error. What would cause UI vision to be unable to communicate with a website?

I’ve got same problem here, in log file error appears after step :
[info] Executing: | sourceExtract | <html*</html> | pagesource |

at normally after step sourceExtract, the next step should be :
[info] Executing: | echo | ${pagesource} | blue |

how to handle these error?
so the uivision can keep going until finish the last step.
