Webscraping - find Locator related to a textsearch

There is a big handicap when working with UI.Vision that I could not solve up to now:
I want to search for a text on a webpage, e.g. with sourceSearch. Once found I need to determine the corresponding locator.
Only the other way round is possible. If I have the locator I can find the text. But via sourceSearch or any other command I can only verify whether the text exists, but I don’t get the locator.
This is a big issue for me. How can I solve this?

Hi, for what will you need the locator? Do you need to click on the text?

I need the locator to click the button or checkbox next to the text. I have around 200 lines all of the same structure and I have to click the button in the correct line.

Hi, do you habve any ideas?

Can you use XClickText as workaround? This allows to click any text without knowing the locator.

Hi, yes this workaround works. Thanks for the support!