Visualsearch command

When using VisualSearch command for an image found, getting two different values. In Scenario1, getting the found= 2 where as found = 1 in Scenario 2. Is there any difference in the background color of the image for visualsearch command?
Here are the screenshots for images and scenarios.

Image for visualSearch command:

Scenario 1:


Any suggestions on this scenario?

Yes, visualSearch also takes the background color into account. If you want to look at text only then you need to use OCRExtract (but that is more complicated).

=> What is your goal? Do you want two matches here or only one?

Thanks Ulrich for your reply. Only one match.

Before using the OCRExtract command to get the text, I was verifying the image is displayed using VisualSearch command. If the image is found, then I used OCRExtract command to get the text from the image.
As you said, visualsearch takes the background color into account, how can we use the visualsearch command (different background colors) in this scenario? Could you please explain?

Hi Ulrich, any suggestions?