Does Kantu for Chrome/Firefox work just like the desktop kantu app in that you use images that the extension searches for and then clicks or not? I’ve trying using it today and can’t get a grasp of this visual aspect (granted it has one).
Also, on a side not, I also have the old KantuX desktop app and was wondering if it’s possible to zoom out on the webpage. I’m using automation at the moment but believe I can cut many, many steps out in the “bottoms” if zoomed out but don’t see how to do it. I also have the SeeShell app and if you can zoon out on there, that would also be fine. (I don’t use Seeshell at the moment because of the fact I have went over the 20 command limit, if zooming working I can remove the “bottoms” and then be under the limit)
Thanks in advance!!!
Yes, please see
So for the click, I should use XClick? Should it work then? I’ll try and now and give an update
I tried taking the screenshots but the program doesn’t seem to be registering them…
Is this for web automation or desktop automation? What exactly goes wrong? A screencast would help a lot to explain the issue.
For the web automation. I take the necessary screenshots and yet the buttons aren’t registered and clicked as necessary. I’m going to give up on the browser extension as it is much harder to use that the application.
What did you find harder to use?
The whole interface is much more complex and I find harder to use. With seeshell it’s just record, take screenshots and play but the only problem with seeshell is that I cannot zoom out…