V9.3.8 chrome WIN11 err e530 no browser open: there is definitely a browser open. I can't get around this bug

I am trying to use the Computer Use beta but can’t get past the err e530 no browser open

below is the script
thank you


“Name”: “cu linked in send message”,
“CreationDate”: “2024-12-15”,
“Commands”: [
“Command”: “XDesktopAutomation”,
“Target”: “false”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “bringBrowserToForeground”,
“Target”: “true”,
“Value”: “s”,
“Description”: “Ensure browser is in focus”
“Command”: “comment”,
“Target”: “open // https://www.linkedin.com”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Open LinkedIn homepage”
“Command”: “open”,
“Target”: “https://www.linkedin.com”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Open LinkedIn homepage”
“Command”: “aiComputerUse”,
“Target”: “Find the profile for John Smith in the search results and click on it. If found, end with ‘SUCCESS’. If not found, end with ‘ERROR’.”,
“Value”: “s”,
“Description”: “AI-assisted profile selection”
“Command”: “pause”,
“Target”: “2000”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Wait for page to load”
“Command”: “click”,
“Target”: “//input[contains(@class,‘search-global-typeahead__input’)]”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Click search box”
“Command”: “type”,
“Target”: “//input[contains(@class,‘search-global-typeahead__input’)]”,
“Value”: “Narjess Hamecha”,
“Description”: “Enter search term”
“Command”: “clickAndWait”,
“Target”: “//button[contains(@class,‘search-global-typeahead__button’)]”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Click search button”
“Command”: “pause”,
“Target”: “3000”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Wait for search results”
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “Computer Use Result = ${s}”,
“Value”: “blue”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “if”,
“Target”: “${s}.lastIndexOf("SUCCESS") >= 0”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Check success condition”
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “Profile found successfully”,
“Value”: “green”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “elseif”,
“Target”: “${s}.lastIndexOf("ERROR") >= 0”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Check error condition”
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “Profile not found”,
“Value”: “brown”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “else”,
“Target”: “”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Handle unexpected cases”
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “Unexpected state”,
“Value”: “orange”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “end”,
“Target”: “”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “End conditional block”

Hi, just to clarify, so the issue happens in this OPEN line (line 4)?

“Command”: “open”,
“Target”: “https://www.linkedin.com”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Open LinkedIn homepage”

That is correct. It happened a few times on other scripts as well but I don’t remember which ones right now.

That is strange. Does this happen only with the linkedin website? Or only with this macro? And does it happen alwasys or sometimes?

Can you please try in a different browser?