I’m using Google Chrome Portable and have 2 profiles. One of them is still on v5.2.3 and the other one has updated to v5.3.7
It seems that closeBrowser=1 has stopped working on v5.3.7
I have a batch file that closes Chrome on v5.2.3. But on v5.3.7, both UI.Vision and the Browser remains open. I tried adding closeKantu=1 but it didn’t make a difference.
Hi @TechSupport. Thanks for testing. Much appreciated.
I have both v5.2.3 and v5.3.7 running. Using the same code. v5.2.3 will close the browser. v5.3.7 doesn’t anymore. Not sure how a screencast can help but I can create one if needed.
I have a simple batch file:
set var_Browser=C:\chrome\GoogleChromePortable.exe --profile-directory="Profile 1"
start "" %var_Browser% "file:///C:/temp/TestUIVision.html?direct=1&closeKantu=1&closeBrowser=1"
Profile 1 has v5.2.3 and closes the browser. I have the same as above with Profile 2 and v5.3.7 and both UI.Vision and the Browser stays open after completion. Possible that something in v5.3.7 blocks the close in our work environment. I will try to test at home as well.
Both Profile 1 and Profile 2 have been running every 20 minutes 12 hours a day for the last several months. Generally ran smoothly. When Profile 2 auto-updated to v5.3.7, the browser now stays open. So I’ll have to think of a workaround like killing the Chrome task after a period of time. Not ideal, but the only workaround I can think off.
Just want to let you know though that in my work environment, v5.2.3 still works fine but v5.3.7 doesn’t.
Hi @admin. Just an FYI. I tried this on my home desktop (no restrictions whatsoever, unlike office environment). All I do is paste this URL on the browser:
Exactly the same problem as described above. v5.2.3 will close Kantu/Browser (expected behaviour). v5.3.8 will leave Kantu/Browser open.
It would be great if someone else can test this (@ulrich, would you be able to test?). It shouldn’t matter what macro you run but here’s the content of TestUIVision macro:
Hi @admin. Same issue on both. And I tried in 2 different environments already (at work and at home)
UI.Vision and Chrome/Firefox stay open:
Chrome Version 79.0.3945.79 (64-bit), UI.Vision RPA v5.3.8
Firefox Version 71.0 (64-bit), UI.Vision RPA v5.3.7
Behaves correctly
Chrome Version 79.0.3945.79 (64-bit), UI.Vision RPA v5.2.3
Note that I have the same Chrome version on the same PC running both v5.3.8 and v5.2.3 side-by-side. With v5.3.8, UI.Vision and browser remain open. With v5.2.3, works as expected (browser opens, UI.Vision runs. After completion, UI.Vision closes, browser closes)
The script executes correctly (takes 2 minutes), but the RPA doesn’t close. The autostart page in chrome is closed by the time the macro finishes, and the CMD terminal is finished running the command by the time Firefox is opened. So I’m not sure where ui vision is supposed to be storing the “closeRPA=1” while the macro runs, so it can close the RPA at the end of the macro execution.