How to upload a file to a cloud service?
I tried to record the process but when I execute doesn’t work (the cloud tell me the file C:\fakepathest.mp3 seems not exists…)
for technical reasons Kantu or any other browser extension have no access to the real path where your file is located
The solution is that - after recording - you edit the macro and replace “C:\fakepath\test.mp3” with the real path that points to the file you want to upload
That depends on the website. Usually “something happens” on the website when the download is complete:
If a link or button appears, you can use Click | ID=NewButton - the click commands waits automatically !timeout_wait seconds for the new element to appear
If something visually changes, you can use visualAssert | image.png - it waits until the image is found on the website (using image recognition)
You can use the CLICK command for this. If you use CLICK with a non-hyperlink element the command works exactly like “waitForElement” in webdriver. Or you can use waitForVisible, which waits for element to show up and is visible.