Unable to process the file. Please check if the file has sufficient permissions and allows access and is not corrupt

Today I’m constantly getting these errors when I try to perform OCR on a compressed image. Fails 90% of the time, but since sometimes it works I assume it’s not an issue with other processes that were working until now.

Is it a known issue?

ParsedResults: ,
OCRExitCode: 99,
IsErroredOnProcessing: true,
ErrorMessage: [
‘Unable to process the file. Please check if the file has sufficient permissions and allows access and is not corrupt.’
ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds: ‘1624’

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Same issue, engine 1, simple jpeg images.
Seems fixed btw.

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Looks like it’s down again

Did this issue get fixed? I’ve been getting error as well.

Sorry for the issue. It was caused by an update that went awry. All is fixed again.

The issue is back again same error code
ParsedResults: ,
OCRExitCode: 99,
IsErroredOnProcessing: true,
ErrorMessage: [
‘Unable to process the file. Please check if the file has sufficient permissions and allows access and is not corrupt.’
ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds: ‘953’

@Adam1 What OCR API endpoint are you using (Free, PRO1 or PRO2)?

All our endpoints run 100% independently in different datacenters/countries.

Note: There was an issue with the PRO1 endpoint a few hours ago, but all is up and running now. Maybe this issue affected you?

If this was not your issue, please provide some more details for debugging this further.