Unable to play macro or save it

With UI.Vision Kantu 5.0.8 I am trying to record browser actions from a browser (google chrome 75.0.3770.100 on Ubtuntu 16.04.6). Works so far. I also was able to replay it once.

But now the application UI.Vision is in some unresponsive state, I neither can play the macro nor save it. I have a popup

Unsaved changes in macro “Diffusion1”

Do you want to discard or save these changes?

but when clicking on ‘save’ nothing happens. Restarting UI.Vision also does not help**. Even restarting the whole browser does not solve the problem**. I cannot use UI.Vision anymore!

So how to fix it?

Can you record a screencast or at least a screenshot of this situation?

I cannot currently reproduce this situation, as I uninstalled and reinstalled Kantu. I will post a screenshot if I encounter that situation again

Hi, what do you call screencast ? (sorry, i’m french :))
I have the same problem (2 macros loaded without, apparently, bugs) and unable to execute or save those macros (having message “Do you want to discard or save these changes?” blocking every other action).

Screencast: See Tools we use: Easy and Free Screen recording tools

For the issue itself: Please try with the latest V5.9.3 version. There was a rare bug that could cause this issue and it has been fixed.

The problem is still the same with the 5.9.3 (firefox).
I forward you a screen copy, may be it’ll be enough to understand my pb ?
Tell me.
If not, i’ll try to install a screencast utilitary.

Some explanations:

  • i have 2 macros in the folder macros
  • i’m working on the macro “Accès appli Bail…” and i can play it … it’s ok … green
  • now, i want to load the other macro Lister adresses … and i can’t. Still the same message 'Unsaved changes in macro “Lister adresses immeubles Bailleur Non filtré” Do you want to discard or save these changes?’

Hi, please make a screencast. Because I can not recreate the issue here.

Do you get the same issue in Chrome and Firefox?

I also have this problem on version 6.0.2

Chrome reports the following errors:

Does this help?

@sbat2 When do you see this error? And is this Windows, Mac or Linux?

I’m using the latest Chrome browser on Windows 10 Home 64bit (also up to date).
I installed your product yesterday from the webstore.
In chrome extensions, I switched on error logging for your extension
I recorded a few steps , and then edited one of them.

I then hit the save button and nothing happened.

I then looked in the chrome extensions error log and saw this.
I have not added any extras to the base extension.

Can you please test on Firefox and/or Edge? Or maybe with a new Chrome profile? I wonder if this is a specific browser setting that is causing this.

More Info…

I tried it on Edge and got the same failure.

I then installed the Xmodules.
I switched to hard disk storage, which failed

Switched back to HMTL5, and then it all started working!!

If the Xmodules are required, you should make that more obvious.

The XModules are not required for HTML5 browser saving. However, it seems in your case somehow an internal setting was wrong, and switching to hard-file storage and back reset it. Thanks for reporting this helpful info!

To everyone: If anyone else is seeing this issue, please let us know.

Can you help me with something?
I have installed the ERS 52.0 version of firefox (I need an old version of firefox to run a specific programm).
I have install the UI Vision and the Xmodules also,
I already could do a recode of my actions, but now it doesn’t allow me to save or play it.

What shoud I do?

Ui vision do not works in old firefox, you must use latest version of firefox with ui vision

I tested it in firefox 56 and do not works, need firefox quantum not old Gecko firefox.

You can not use firefox ESR 52 with ui vision upgrade to firefox 80 or latest.