UI Vision V5.2.3 available

See What’s new: https://ui.vision/rpa/home/whatsnew

This version was released a few weeks ago, but we never got around announcing it in the forum :slight_smile:

If some users please can use this latest version for firefox and write in the forum whether it works properly or not.

This last version of kantu with firefox in my computer doesn’t work but I would like to know if the same thing happens to you too.

At the moment I am continuing to use version 5.1.9 + xmodules 201905.


@newuserkantu I agree. I understand it does not work for you, but it works on our test systems. So more feedback from other users would be great.

Continue to not working in firefox 70 windows 7 Italian 32 bit

Kantu xmodules not detected, in task manager you can see xmodules is istalled (2019-8a) and do not work.

see image