I’ve been programming an automation for a week and have no problems with ui vision.
Since today I have the problem that my program opens the autostart.html and no macro is played anymore.
Ui Vision obviously doesn’t play a macro and I only get an empty log file.
So far I have found that creating a new Chrome UserData folder helps, but after running my developed script once I have the same behavior again.
I’ve already reinstalled Chrome, but it didn’t help.
In the attached video you can see how my program tries to open dynamically created macro files on ui vision via autostart.html. This has been working smoothly for a week.
Link to the Video: video
Has anyone had a similar problem and can help me?
Empty Log File:
Macro-Info: Status=OK
Example dynamically created macro file:
{"Command":"store","Target":"FAST","Value":"!replayspeed","friendlyDescription":"Setze Macro Abspielgeschwindigkeit..."},
{"Command":"store","Target":"30","Value":"!TIMEOUT_WAIT","friendlyDescription":"Setze Zeit bis zum Abbruch bis ein gesuchtes Element auf der Seite vorhanden sein muss..."},
{"Command":"store","Target":"60","Value":"!TIMEOUT_PAGELOAD","friendlyDescription":"Setze maximale Wartezeit bis die Seite geladen sein muss..."},
{"Command":"BringBrowserToForeground","Target":"","Value":"","friendlyDescription":"Bringe Browser in den Vordergrund..."},
{"Command":"sourceExtract","Target":"regex=\/(<select[^>]*?name=\"PROD_COM.DUMMY.DUMMY.1\"[^>]*?>(.|\\n)*?<\\\/select>)\/g@1,1","Value":"!csvLine","friendlyDescription":"Hole Inhalt des Filters \"Finanzprodukt\"..."},
{"Command":"csvSave","Target":"extract.csv","Value":"","friendlyDescription":"Speichere extrahiertes in einer CSV-Datei..."},
{"Command":"LocalStorageExport","Target":"extract.csv","Value":"","friendlyDescription":"Lade erstelle CSV-Datei herunter..."},
{"Command":"captureEntirePageScreenshot","Target":"screenshot","Value":"","friendlyDescription":"Erstelle Screenshot..."}