UI.Vision RPA V5.6.5 available (Firefox and Edge now, Chrome soon)

For what’s new with V5.6.5 please see: https://ui.vision/rpa/home/whatsnew

The Chrome update is delayed because the Google Chrome extension store has a review and approval process for extensions that request powerful permissions. There is a queue with a backlog of extensions waiting to be manually reviewed, and UI.Vision RPA for Chrome is inside it.


V5.6.5 was auto installed apparently and now when my macro tries to run in Firefox, I get an error #204: It seems UI.Vision RPA is not installed yet - or you need to turn on Allow access to file URLs for UI.Vision RPA in your browser extension settings.

It’s my understanding that, in Firefox, there isn’t an option to allow access to file URLs. I have reinstalled the extension, created a new Firefox profile, and exported my macro to HTML again. However nothing has fixed this. Is this a bug in the new version?!

Update: I rolled back to 5.5.7 and everything now works again.

Yes, this is a regression bug in V5.6.5. We will release an update with a fix soon.

Did you use bookmark macros, embedded macros or the command line?

I have a vb script like this that runs the macro.

Dim iURL
Dim objShell

iURL = “file:///F:/Directory1/Directory2/AutoLogin.html?direct=1&closeRPA=1”

set objShell = CreateObject(“Shell.Application”)
objShell.ShellExecute “firefox.exe”, iURL

I am also having this issue. Is there a work-around besides rolling back to the prior version?


I’m using the new version 5.6.5 witrh firefox and i do not see any bug, work like the previous version.

What error have you ?

I use firefox portable ESR 68.8.0esr and RPA 5.6.5 and working like a charm.

@zulusierra @Jeremy_Lambert This issue is fixed with V5.7.3, available now: UI.Vision RPA V5.7.5 available

Confirmed the issue is fixed. Thanks for the fast turn-around. :+1: