Trying to edit Title and Description, but it changes back after 3 secs

As you can see in my Video, after I changed the title and description, the from gets back into its state after a couple of seconds. I tried to direct the Xtype with patern $ {KEY_CTRL+KEY_V} and add data from !clipboard, but at doesnt work at all (I turned the Desktop mode on) How do I solve this problem?

Video:- YouTube

  "Command": "open",
  "Target": "",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "click",
  "Target": "xpath=//*[@id=\"action-1\"]/div",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "click",
  "Target": "xpath=//ytcp-uploads-basics/ytcp-mention-textbox/ytcp-form-input-container/div/div[2]/ytcp-mention-input/div",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "editContent",
  "Target": "xpath=//ytcp-uploads-basics/ytcp-mention-textbox/ytcp-form-input-container/div/div[2]/ytcp-mention-input/div",
  "Value": "Video about big garden!"
  "Command": "click",
  "Target": "xpath=//ytcp-mention-textbox[2]/ytcp-form-input-container/div/div[2]/ytcp-mention-input/div",
  "Value": ""
  "Command": "editContent",
  "Target": "xpath=//ytcp-mention-textbox[2]/ytcp-form-input-container/div/div[2]/ytcp-mention-input/div",
  "Value": "#bigGarden What go you think aobut it?"
  "Command": "pause",
  "Target": "5000",
  "Value": ""

“editContent” edits the HTML code inside the website directly. This can fail on websites that use “tons” of Javascript to check things etc.

I tried to direct the Xtype with patern $ {KEY_CTRL+KEY_V} and add data from !clipboard, but at doesnt work at all

Can you try this again and record another video? I am 100% convinced that this will work. Since you do web automation (= work inside the browser), you do not need to turn on desktop automation.

Note: Before using XType, you need to CLICK or XCLICK into the box where the text should go.

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I have a problem with $ {KEY_CTRL+KEY_V} :thinking:(

you should not put anything in the Value field, as the error is saying
It should be
XType | $ {KEY_CTRL+KEY_V} |
XType | $ {KEY_CTRL+KEY_V} | !clipboard

Thank you!
It Works!