Test suite execution sometimes stops on selectWindow command

Macro 1 is located in folder A. Macro 2 is located in folder B.
In Macro 1 inserted a “run” command that targets “Macro 2”
When I play Macro 1 it will call Macro 2 – and sometimes Macro 2 will just stop after executing the first step which is “selectWindow” /tab=open/ url and sometimes it will run smoothly without any stop.

Logs will say " Executing: | selectWindow | tab=open | https:// …"
Is it a known issue? Is there workaround? If someone could help me, please

As a known fact, you should never use the selectWindow | command tab=open because you risk that the macro doesn’t work, often ui vision loses control of the tab you just opened or it happens that loading is slow and ui vision goes into error.

The only way to create reliable macros is to never use the selectWindow | command tab=open and always work in the same tab

Here a similar case

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