Store | false | !stringescape it is not working for XType

even after adding this store | false | !stringescape the “Command”: “XType”,
“Target”: “/Users/machd/Documents/Automator/app_details/14458”,
“Value”: “” this is missing the U

I see the image now, waiting admin reply

in log it is showing that it is working perfectly but the output is not correct.

!stringescape is not supported for XType, but strings are always not escaped with XType. => In my tests it works fine, see here:

So I am not sure why it does not work on your machine. But can you test this workaround with copy & paste. => Does it work for you?

In the copy & paste solution !stringEscape is supported:

  "Name": "copyandpaste",
  "CreationDate": "2020-7-3",
  "Commands": [
      "Command": "pause",
      "Target": "2000",
      "Value": ""
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "false",
      "Value": "!stringescape"
      "Command": "store",
      "Target": "\\Users\\next\\test\\123",
      "Value": "!clipboard"
      "Command": "XType",
      "Target": "${KEY_CMD+KEY_V}",
      "Value": ""

No sir for me it is not working

Can you send me a screen video of you running the test macro? Maybe I can see something there.

See this the xtype is not working properly what to do to fix this. i have tried all the possible ways to make it right but it is not working.