Status updated: Not Installed (Xmodule installing)

Hello there. I have finished installing the XModule

But still not working

UI Vision Rpa: 5.5.7
Google Chrome version:81.0.4044.138
Xmodules file:


Or last version(5.6.5) for mozilla:

What should i do :frowning:

Same error with version 5.3.17

What Windows version is this? And what language?

Windows 10 Version 1903
Language is Turkish


Same Windows 10, Language Japanese, same problem,

This is an old thread. There is no known general installation issue currently. For your case: Are all XModules not installed, or “only” some?

try this:

  1. download the manual install zip file from Download XModules for enhanced features, Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  2. manually run “1install.bat” and “realuser_x_install_chrome.bat” (or firefox) in CMD
  3. it should show you the reason why the Xmodule did not setup correctly. For me, it was due to a “‘reg’ is not recognized as an internal or external command” error caused by env variable setup.
  4. fix that and try to complete the manual install script. it should do the trick

For me, it was due to a “‘reg’ is not recognized as an internal or external command” error caused by env variable setup.

Interesting! Do you remember more details about this error message?

cannot remember it exactly but it might be sth to do with the system path.