sourceExtract bug with quotes

Why does sourceExtract ad quotes to the beginning of the line, to the end of the line and some quotes in the middle?
In the source page I see this:

<li qrdata="200001648|1000006816535|cn1524573082eils" class

But when saved to csv it looks like this:

"<li qrdata=""200001648|1000006816535|cn1524573082eils"" class"

Variable a is on the Variables Tab inside the plugin:

"<li qrdata=\"200001648|1000006816535|cn1524573082eils\" class"

My script:
“Command”: “sourceExtract”,
“Target”: “regex=<li qrdata.*class”,
“Value”: “a”
“Command”: “store”,
“Target”: “${a}”,
“Value”: “!csvLine”
“Command”: “csvSave”,
“Target”: “Links”,
“Value”: “”
“Command”: “localStorageExport”,
“Target”: “Links.csv”,
“Value”: “”
How can I delete these quotes?

But when saved to csv it looks like this:

In the CSV standard, quotes have to be escaped with the double quote, so " becomes "".

If a value contains a comma, a newline character or a double quote , then the string must be enclosed in double quotes . E.g: “Newline char in this field \n” A double quote must be escaped with another double quote . E.g: “The double quote character “” is offensive.”

The main question is how to avoid that. It’s not the first time when I’m saving in csv. Other programs give the oportunity to save csv without changing the content even if it contains new line characters and quotes. It’s definatelly a bug of Kantu.

Hi, can I ask why you want to avoid the double quote? If you open the CSV file e. g. in Excel, it should be displayed correctly, or?

Because double qoute ruins my info. When I save a file in Kantu I plan to use it in other programs, not for opening in Excel. Just save a piece of html page in csv through Kantu and then try to use xpath on saved file in ohter program.