Some questions for desktop automatisation with windows task-scheduler

I wrote some scripts and they run automatic in chrome or firefox with an url like this: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” “file:///C:/UIVisionTasks/”

The goal is, to open an application (in this case a java application or a native windows-programm, select some menue-points, fill in some text in formulars, click some buttons an save the results. To solve the challenges, i use XClick, XClickRelative an XType. This works as long as the application window size doesn’t change and i call or start it from browser. But at least i want to call that url from windows task scheduler an run them every night, maybe 4°clock. Now my questions:

  • Can i set the focus to the application-window? I want to run the script, even if the window switches to the background or another window from another application hides this.
  • The size of the windows may change, if i run the applications on other desktops. Therefore XClickRelative seems to be not the allways working solution. Is there a possibility to set the size of the application-window to a defined size?
  • How is it possible to run this scripts from the task-scheduler, if the screen isn´t visible? A small example, e.g. with the Windows editor, would be helpful. Open the editor when the PC is in sleep mode, enter a text, highlight a few words in color and then save the result on the desktop.

Perhaps someone has already implemented some simple things or knows where to look up something “ready”. Some sources were helpful.

Can i set the focus to the application-window?

Use BringIDEandBrowserToBackground

The size of the windows may change,…

Does should not disturbed the computer-vision based automation with XClick and XMove. If something goes wrong in your case, please provide details (maybe as screen video).

How is it possible to run this scripts from the task-scheduler, if the screen isn´t visible?

See RPA task scheduler.

The important part is How to run RPA on a locked machine => USe a virtual machine or autologin. I use autologin.