Server response 3 when processing base64 pdf

When I try to process Base64 encoded PDF file i get this error:
“ErrorDetails” : “Not a valid base64 image. The accepted base64 image format is ‘data:<content_type>;base64,<base64_image_content>’. Where ‘content_type’ like ‘image/png’ or ‘image/jpg’ or ‘application/pdf’ or any other supported type.”,

“ErrorMessage” :

“Not a valid base64 image. The accepted base64 image format is ‘data:<content_type>;base64,<base64_image_content>’. Where ‘content_type’ like ‘image/png’ or ‘image/jpg’ or ‘application/pdf’ or any other supported type.”
“IsErroredOnProcessing” : true,
“OCRExitCode” : 3,
“ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds” : “46”
the string I send is formatted like “data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjUNCiWhs8XXDQoxIDAgb2J…”

What could be the problem?

If you test the connection with Postman, do you get the same result?

You probably know it, but just in case: Postman is a free Chrome app, see Free OCR API

If you see the problem even with Postman, a screenshot of the result will be helpful.

Does the issue happen with every image or PDF, or “only” some?

I have just tried with postman and your default POST request “Convert image from BASE64 string” and I get Request timeout. Are free servers overloaded?