Scheduling Tasks: Save the script as HTML (plus autorun) is no longer available

Here: [Resolved] Schedule a script to run
To schedule a task has a provided solution…
Solution: save the script as HTML (plus autorun) then schedule it with Task Scheduler.
… but this is no longer available.
I assume Task Scheduler is still used to trigger but how is it that I should export or reference a script / macro since this is no longer an option through this method, what alternative methods are available?

Original exported html file is :

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>UI.Vision Shortcut Page</title>
    <h3>Command line:</h3>
    <a id="run" href="">Click here</a>
	<!-- To start another macro just edit this HTML file and change the macro name in the command line above^. -->
	<!-- For more command line parameters see -->
      window.location.href = document.getElementById("run").getAttribute("href");

We need a command use browser to view the above html file:

@echo off
echo Start TEST

set "fx32Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
set "fx64Path=C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
set "macroFP=file:///D:/uivision/start-TEST.html"

REM check 64 bit version
if exist "%fx64Path%" (
    start "" "%fx64Path%" -headless -p "PPP" -new-window "%macroFP%"

REM No 64 bit version installed, check 32 bit version
if exist "%fx32Path%" (
    start "" "%fx32Path%" -headless -p "PPP" -new-window "%macroFP%"

REM neither to show error
echo No FX Installed

I’m trying browser command in bat to view and run Macro directly:

@echo off
echo Start TEST

set "fx32Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
set "fx64Path=C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
set "macroFP=file:///D:/uivision/"

REM check 64 bit version
if exist "%fx64Path%" (
    start "" "%fx64Path%" -headless -p "PPP" -new-window "%macroFP%&direct=1&closeRPA=1&closeBrowser=1&savelog=log.txt"

REM No 64 bit version installed, check 32 bit version
if exist "%fx32Path%" (
    start "" "%fx32Path%" -headless -p "PPP" -new-window "%macroFP%&direct=1&closeRPA=1&closeBrowser=1&savelog=log.txt"

REM neither to show error
echo No FX Installed

Where is set “macroFP=file:///D:/uivision/”. I have a ‘start-TEST.html’, the batch file, but it is looking for

Below is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<head profile="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

<title>UI.Vision Autostart Page</title>
<h3>Starting Browser and UI.Vision...</h3>
(function() {
  var isExtensionLoaded = function () {
    const $root = document.documentElement
    return !!$root && !!$root.getAttribute('data-kantu')
  var increaseCountInUrl = function (max) {
    var url   = new URL(window.location.href)
    var count = 1 + (parseInt(url.searchParams.get('reload') || 0))

    url.searchParams.set('reload', count)
    var nextUrl = url.toString()

    var shouldStop = count > max
    return [shouldStop, !shouldStop ? nextUrl : null]
  var run = function () {
    try {
      var evt = new CustomEvent('kantuSaveAndRunMacro', {
        detail: {
          html: document.documentElement.outerHTML,
          noImport: true,
          storageMode: 'xfile'

      var intervalTimer = setInterval(() => window.dispatchEvent(evt), 1000);

      if (window.location.protocol === 'file:') {
        var onInvokeSuccess = function () {
          window.removeEventListener('kantuInvokeSuccess', onInvokeSuccess)
        var timer = setTimeout(function () {
          alert('Error #203: It seems you need to turn on *Allow access to file URLs* for Kantu in your browser extension settings.')
        }, 8000)

        window.addEventListener('kantuInvokeSuccess', onInvokeSuccess)
    } catch (e) {
      alert('Kantu Bookmarklet error: ' + e.toString());
  var reloadTimer = null
  var main = function () {
    if (isExtensionLoaded())  return run()

    var MAX_TRY   = 3
    var INTERVAL  = 1000
    var tuple     = increaseCountInUrl(MAX_TRY)

    if (tuple[0]) {
      return alert('Error #204: It seems UI.Vision RPA is not installed yet - or you need to turn on *Allow access to file URLs* for UI.Vision RPA in your browser extension settings.')
    } else {
      reloadTimer = setTimeout(function () {
        window.location.href = tuple[1]
      }, INTERVAL)

  setTimeout(main, 500)

You can visit UI Automation Open-Source Selenium IDE plus additional features, iMacros alternative for more.

TY. That was the missing piece to the puzzle.