[Recreator Required] Encounter error go to next tab and loop

i’m getting this error in next step " [error] The chrome.runtime.onMessage listener must return true if you want to send a response after the listener returns (message was sent by extensiongcbalfbdmfieckjlnblleoemohcganoc)."

Is there a command that instruct to go to the next tab if you encounter this error ? and loop ?


now also see this : [error]
Cannot read property ‘tab’ of undefined

Hi, do you have a test macro and/or a screencast of this error for us?

Hi, got the same error after an xclick #right in a loop after switching page. The same macro ran properly after a relaunch without the error :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I guess your error “Cannot read property ‘tab’ of undefined” has no connection with your previous error.