I am a beginner with UI.Vision and I have a problem updating invoicing information from Excel file to TimeLog invoicing system using UI.Vision.
I recorded the macro, where one step was clicking the “edit” button (seen in the picture). However, running the macro I got the error “failed to find the tab with locator ‘tab=1’” as UI.Vision was unable to find the edit button from the TimeLog page. (The “edit” button on the TimeLog page only appears when the mouse is close enough, if that makes any difference.)
Any ideas how this problem could be solved? All the help will be highly appreciated as I am a complete beginner with UI.Vision.
The “edit” button on the TimeLog page only appears when the mouse is close enough, if that makes any difference.
Yes, this can make it tricky. This means the button is somehow controlled by Javascript. Maybe there is still a good solution with the Selenium IDE CLICK plus an XPath selector, but the fastest solution is to “go visual” and use XClickRelative. Try it like in the picture below. You can use the “Refresh” icon as anchor, and then click on the button.
This should work:
XMoveRelative | picture.png <= Move mouse over the button. This event activates it.