Overwrite and Reuse a CSV

Here is one way to create an array, save it as a CSV file and then reuse the CSV without having to delete the CSV manually: {
“Name”: “2025”,
“CreationDate”: “2025-3”,
“Commands”: [
“Command”: “store”,
“Target”: “true”,
“Value”: “!statusOK”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “open”,
“Target”: “https://www.Favorite Website.com”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “click”,
“Target”: “xpath=//input[@id=‘txtDate’]”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “XClick”,
“Target”: “icon.png”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “get roster”
“Command”: “storeText”,
“Target”: “xpath=//[@id="GridView1"]/tbody/tr[2]/td[5]",
“Value”: “a”,
“Description”: " "
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “variable is ${a}”,
“Value”: “purple”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “executeScript_Sandbox”,
“Target”: “var sites = {"All is Well ":"IFTAWHA", "Arlington ":"IFTACI", "Arlington (REG)":"REGACIG", "Training Program":"IFTAHS", "Ben Barber Innovation ":"IFTBBIA", "Global Network Inc":"REGCGHE", " High School":"IFTCHS", "Integrity":"REGIHE", "James West":"IFTJLWA", " Program":"KCAL", "Legacy care ":"REGLHCC", "OGT RTS":"GOTRC", " care Trainings":"TSDHC", "Springpack1":"EGSHCC", "Springpack2":"EGSHC2", "Stone ":"TSTAC", "Stone ":"EGSTAC", "Teamwork ":"GTCI"}; return sites[${a}]”,
“Value”: “siteID”,
“Description”: “From Sites to Site Codes. Performed on variable a. Change variable ‘sites’ into ‘SiteID’ via variable ‘a’”
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “The Site ID is ${SiteID}”,
“Value”: “green”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “store”,
“Target”: “true”,
“Value”: “!errorIgnore”,
“Description”: “Enable error handling”
“Command”: “executeScript_Sandbox”,
“Target”: “return [""];”,
“Value”: “DataArray”,
“Description”: “Initialize empty array with blank first position”
“Command”: “times”,
“Target”: “16”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Loop 16 times to collect all data”
“Command”: “storeText”,
“Target”: "xpath=//
“Value”: “D1”,
“Description”: “obtain list”
“Command”: “gotoIf_v2”,
“Target”: “${!statusOK} == false”,
“Value”: “EndSearch”,
“Description”: “Check if we reached the end of data”
“Command”: “executeScript_Sandbox”,
“Target”: “var newArr = ${DataArray}; newArr[${!times}] = ${D1}; return newArr”,
“Value”: “DataArray”,
“Description”: “Add new element to array at current position”
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “Result ${!times}: ${D1}”,
“Value”: “teal”,
“Description”: “Display current result”
“Command”: “end”,
“Target”: “”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “End the times loop”
“Command”: “label”,
“Target”: “EndSearch”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “Label for loop exit”
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “${DataArray}”,
“Value”: “purple”,
“Description”: “Display final array”
“Command”: “executeScript_Sandbox”,
“Target”: “var arr = ${DataArray}; return [arr];”,
“Value”: “DataArray”,
“Description”: “Convert to 2D array format”
“Command”: “csvSaveArray”,
“Target”: “DataArray”,
“Value”: “list.csv”,
“Description”: “Save 2D array to CSV file”
“Command”: “csvReadArray”,
“Target”: “list.csv”,
“Value”: “csv”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “store”,
“Target”: “true”,
“Value”: “!errorIgnore”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “csvReadArray”,
“Target”: “list.csv”,
“Value”: “csv”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “${csv}”,
“Value”: “green”,
“Description”: “”
“Command”: “csvReadArray”,
“Target”: “list.csv”,
“Value”: “csv”,
“Description”: “csvReadArray | csvfile.csv | arrayname”
“Command”: “executeScript”,
“Target”: “function uniq(arr) {\n // Flatten the array\n var flattenedArr = .concat.apply(, arr);\n\n // Create an empty object to store unique values\n var uniqueObj = {};\n\n // Iterate over each element in the flattened array\n for (var i = 0; i < flattenedArr.length; i++) {\n var value = flattenedArr[i];\n\n // Check if the value is already in the uniqueObj\n if (!uniqueObj[value]) {\n uniqueObj[value] = true;\n }\n }\n\n // Extract the keys of uniqueObj into a new array\n var uniqueArr = Object.keys(uniqueObj);\n\n return uniqueArr;\n}\n\nreturn uniq(${csv})”,
“Value”: “aa”,
“Description”: “Remove Array Duplicate using javascript - #6 by Lumine_Gaming
“Command”: “executeScript_Sandbox”,
“Target”: “return ${aa}.length - 1;”,
“Value”: “elements”,
“Description”: “How to get the number of items of a javascript array
“Command”: “echo”,
“Target”: “here is the number ${elements}”,
“Value”: “green”,
“Description”: “How to get the number of items of a javascript array
“Command”: “selectWindow”,
“Target”: “TAB=OPEN”,
“Value”: “SiteScheduling_Nurse_Aide_SIR_Reports”,
“Description”: “open new window and go to url”
“Command”: “executeScript_Sandbox”,
“Target”: “var arr = ; return arr”,
“Value”: “array1”,
“Description”: “creates a blank 1 x 1 array”
“Command”: “csvSaveArray”,
“Target”: “array1”,
“Value”: “list.csv”,
“Description”: “”
(note the “squares” are actually braces “[” “]” )