I have a little Node.js software that uses the OCR Space free API. Itâs not finished or published yet, so I am the only one running it; for now only manually. It has worked fine so far.
But today it started giving me the error âERROR: For this API KEY only 3 concurrent connections at the same time allowed. Contact support if you need more.â
Thing is, I donât think I am having three or more concurrent connections. I start the app, it makes one request, receives results and then closes. Is it possible that the connections are left lingering? Do I need to manually close them?
Sorry about that. For the free API we rolled out a software update yesterday. But it turned out that in some situations the API did not count the number of connections correctly.
So meanwhile we restored the previous API version and the issue should be gone now.
I have the same problem.
I run python requests one by one, but still getting error message " Only 3 âŚ",
how properly close requests connection session in problem or this is another problem
Hi Guys, I have been having this issue as well and I think I might have solved it from the user end while waiting for them to fix the issue from their side. I simply disabled raising the exceptions, and used a try function for the parse. If it fails, I return none and attempt to send the request again instead of raising an error/exception and ending the program. Good luck!
hi @admin ,
I am facing the same issue as all the others above. sometimes it is even occurs on the very first request - but seems very random. my nodeJs app is doing only one low-key request (via npm request), so not possible to be concurrent at all. I am able to get the error even with postman app, see the snippet below.
I am OK with doing such limitations on a free service, but the format of the â3 concurrent connectionsâ response literally breaks my application (maybe I am not alone).
Why the
âFor this API KEY only 3 concurrent connections at the same time allowed. Contact support if you need more.â
response arrives as the body and does not have the same error message format as the other error types you have? e.g.: with a dedicated OCRExitCode and this message in ParsedResults.ErrorMessage and ParsedResults.ErrorDetails.
That way error handling would be possible.
In the current case it wouldnât solve the issue neither, as the errors are coming randomly even on single connection.
my example snippet where I get the error:
var request = require("request");
var options = { method: 'POST',
url: 'https://api.ocr.space/parse/image',
{ 'Postman-Token': '*****************************',
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
apikey: '********************************',
'content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' },
formData: { language: 'hun', url: 'http://i.imgur.com/fwxooMv.png' } };
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
thank you for fixing it as soon as possibble! OCR space free is still the best solution for pet projects!
I am getting this message in 5/2022
I just got the free ocr api and key
any ideas how to overcome this?
Error converting value âFor this API KEY only 3 concurrent connections at the same time allowed. Contact support if you need more.â to type âOCRAPITest.Rootobjectâ. Path ââ, line 1, position 108.
Hello, i have the PRO plan and i have max 5 concurrent requests which is far far too low for me.
As the application is used in production i need like 100 concurrent solves minimum + its not tracking the 5 correctly as i am only restarting a script which cant be more than 1 concurrent request right now. I also e-mailed you in this regard.
For this API KEY only 5 concurrent connections at the same time allowed. Contact support if you need more. @admin
I need my concurrent request level changed for tomorrow as my users are going nuts already, i am sure we can figure something out if you cannot do 100 at the same time.