Now, I have a different kind of error…
If we define onError #restart in the parent macro, if error occurs in the sub-macro, sub-macro is restarted, not the main macro.
It would be nice if labels from parent macro(s) are visible inside sub-macro(s), so we could use onError #goto label_somewhere_in_the_parent-tree or…
… if sub-macros could be aware of the parent macros, so we could use something like onError #restart some_macro_in_the_parent_tree.
My setup:
UI.Vision RPA 5.8.8
Google Chrome version 86.0.4240.111 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i5-6300U
As I said in my previous post, we still have this bug, so admin please re-open this issue. Using run() with this issue is pointless, because when error occur inside sub-macro, you will be stuck inside sub-macro. There are some workarounds, but more elegant solution would be that onError works as advertised.
Also, I would like to add that if we use main macro in the “Play Loop” and error occurs inside sub-macro, main macro will not continue with the next loop, even if “If error happens in loops: -Continue next loop” options is selected.