Offline OCR on Free version

Am I able to use offline OCR with a free/personal/pro license? On the pricing page it says offline OCR is available with 500 per day for free/personal and unlimited for pro but I cannot select offline OCR on my free version of UI Vision. I have XModules installed so that shouldn’t be the issue:

Can I use offline OCR? I am not well-versed in technological stuff like this so maybe I’m misunderstanding how offline OCR works. Do I need an enterprise license to use it? If not, how can I test out offline OCR on my free version to see if it meets my requirements before purchasing a pro license?

Thank you very much.

This screenshot looks like the older Firefox version. For easy and free offline OCR, please use the Chrome or Edge versions of the RPA software.

Ui.Vision for Firefox will get this feature a bit later.

Would it be available on Chrome on Linux? I am trying to use it on my Ubuntu virtual machine. I thought I read on one of the help pages that the latest version of XModules capable of offline OCR was only available on Windows and Mac so far. Just want to make sure

For Linux we have no local OCR module yet. So on Linux machines you can use online ocr or the local OCR server.

Update: We have local OCR for Linux now :grinning: