where is the text extracted from OCRrelative stored? I can see it in the log, when the echo command is run, but how do I transfer the text to a excel table or editable file given that the data is constantly changing and the macro is running in a loop? Thanks
The OCRExtractRelative syntax is:
- OCRExtractRelative | image with green/pink box | variable to store the value in
So the output from the OCR is stored in a variable. Now, if you run this in a loop, you can easily copy the variable content to a CSV file. This is the same as done in the DemoCsvSave macro that ships with Ui Vision.
In this macro just replace
storeText | //*[@id=\"gcw_main...../tr[2]/td[${i}]/a | c2
with your
OCRExtractRelative | image | c2