Not finding dropdown/ text box in dom

I am working with salesforce, i am trying to change values, 2 drop down and 3 text boxes
Here is a photo of the dom

i have tried referencing by id, cant find
it can find the td id
I have also tried xref @id, xref @[ td id]/div[2]/span/select
nothing seems to work
when i copy the id from open inspect screen on the webpage and paste into the ui vision target field, the find button then does find it, but then if i reload the page, it wont work again
its very strange. any help would be appreciated
my code is below for your reference:
“Command”: “click”,
“Target”: “xpath=//[@id=“00NE0000000eRDU_ilecell”]",
“Value”: “”,
“Targets”: [
“Command”: “select”,
“Target”: “xpath=//[@id=“00NE0000000eRDU”]",
“Value”: "value=105 ",
“Targets”: [
“Command”: “click”,
“Target”: “id=00N44000005YkQi”,
“Value”: “”,
“Targets”: [
“Command”: “select”,
“Target”: “id=00N44000005YkQi”,
“Value”: “value=ASCE 7-10”,
“Targets”: [

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Try a different selector provided in UIVision and also use ChroPath extension for chrome for additional selectors UIVision can’t find

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Best suggestion !

Use always third part xpath finder, there are more and more and find new xpath (sometimes i use katalon recorder addons to find new xpaths).

As i said, i tried using by id, not found in Bom
i then tried to find id higher in the BOM, ilecell, SUCCESS, found in BOM from UI Vision Find button and successfully ran in program
but then i tried to xpath from this id, not found
I tried id ileinner, could not find
I tried full xpath, not found

funny part is when i right click and click inspect to bring up the page BOM, copy and paste id=00NE0000000eRDU, it works
maybe i need to try to simulate a opening the inspect during program run?
Only other thing i think would work is visual, but I am just curious why browser RPA not working on Salesforce

Any other suggestions

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Without url page it’s hard to help you.

If you do not find any solution the only way is use Xcilc/Xtype (with xpath or image)

For every element there are a large amount of xpath usually a good xpath can be found.

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