MRZ reading in passports

Hi all!

I’m looking for an OCR engine for our app that will send document images that contains information like MRZ and I need that information and its coordinates. I’ve tried your free version but it doesn’t return the complete MRZ neither full information (sometimes it returns just one line). Maybe free version is limited? Your PRO version returns better results?


When scanning alphanumerical texts like the MRZ it often helps to select Korean, Japanese or Chinese as OCR language. For the MRZ font, Japanese gives the best results in my tests. (For other readers: MRZ = Machine Readable Zone, at the bottom of the identity page at the beginning of a passport).

Test input: Machine Readable Travel Documents – Wikipedia

Result: See below - Is this result good enough for your use case?

:fearful: Really?? I haven’t tested with that languages, so I’ll try first… Because with this response is not good enough and I don’t know if we can make any transliteration…


Update: Our new OCR Engine 2 works well for MRZ OCR:

Update 2023: Another good OCR software for MRZ OCR is the new OCR engine5.