Loop forever function for folder (testsuite)

Hi, i have 5 macros in one folder (testuite) and i want it to run forever with "run one macro forever.ps1* poweshell script + chrome.

But i can’t do loop function for folder, could you help ?

here is a code that i have changed from script.


# by checking on the command line return value
# and killing/restarting Chrome if needed

function PlayAndWait ([string]$macro)
$timeout_seconds = 1000 #max time in seconds allowed for macro to complete. Change this value if  your macros takes longer to run.
$path_downloaddir = "c:\C:\Users\ibrahim\Downloads\" #Where the script finds the kantu log files => *THIS MUST BE THE BROWSER DOWNLOAD FOLDER*, as specified in the browser settings
$path_autorun_html = "c:/test/ui.vision_Ps5.html" #autorun page exported from API setttings page.

#Optional: Kill Chrome instances (if any open)
#taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe /T 

#Create log file. Here the RPA software will store the result of the macro run
$log = "log_" + $(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm_ss) + ".txt" 
$path_log = $path_downloaddir + $log 

#Build command line (1=CHROME, 2=FIREFOX, 3=EDGE)
$browser = 1
Switch ($browser) {
1 {$cmd = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"; break}
2 {$cmd = "${env:ProgramFiles}\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"; break} #For FIREFOX
3 {$cmd = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"; break} #For EDGE 

$arg = """file:///"+ $path_autorun_html + "?folder=2021"+ $macro + "&direct=1&closeRPA=1&closeBrowser=1&savelog=0"+$log+""""

Start-Process -FilePath $cmd -ArgumentList $arg #Launch the browser and run the macro

#############Wait for macro to complete => Wait for log file to appear in download folder
$status_runtime = 0
Write-Host  "Log file will show up at " + $path_log
while (!(Test-Path $path_log) -and ($status_runtime -lt $timeout_seconds)) 
    Write-Host  "Waiting for macro to finish, seconds=" $status_runtime
    Start-Sleep 1
    $status_runtime = $status_runtime + 1 

#Macro done - or timeout exceeded:
if ($status_runtime -lt $timeout_seconds)
    #Read FIRST line of log file, which contains the status of the last run
    $status_text = Get-Content $path_log -First 1

    #Check if macro completed OK or not
    $status_int = -1     
    If ($status_text -contains "Status=OK") {$status_int = 1}

    $status_text =  "Macro did not complete within the time given:" + $timeout_seconds
    $status_int = -2

remove-item $path_log #clean up
return $status_int, $status_text, $status_runtime

#        Main program starts here

$testreport = "c:\test\testreport.txt"

For ($i=0; $i -le 9999999; $i++) {

Write-Host "Loop Number:" $i

$result = PlayAndWait -testsuite  #run the macro

$errortext = $result[1] #Get error text or OK
$runtime = $result[2] #Get runtime
$report = "Loop:" + $i + " Return code: " + $result[0]+ " Macro runtime: "+$runtime+" seconds, Result: "+ $errortext
Write-Host $report
Add-content $testreport -value ($report)

#Check that all is ok, if not kill Chrome to clear memory etc

if ($result[0] -ne 1)
        #Cleanup => Kill Chrome instance 
        #We could also kill Chrome after each loop (then no IF statement needed)
        taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe /T   
        $report = "Loop:" + $i + " Chrome closed"
        Add-content $testreport -value ($report)


What does this do?

What happens if you run the script? Does it play the macros in the folders once, or not at all?

?folder=2021"+ $macro

So your folder is called “2021-testsuite”?

Thanks for reply,

this command runs all macros in folders step by step. Macro names 1,2,3,4 and 5. -tessuite commands starts number “1” and automatically start “2” when 1 is end.

folder name “2021” (if i don’t write 2021, macros won’t start)


Here is a folder with 6 macros, i want to run forever. “Test Suite: Play in Loop” command solves my problem but after few hours Chrome crashing memory leaks problem.

“run one macro forever.ps1” solves this problem but i don’t want restart chrome every folder complete. One macros runs max 5 seconds.

I just want “Test Suite: Play in Loop” like run for 30 minutes and restart chrome and run again.

I am not good at scripting, please help me.

Note: i try run command at the end of every script for go to next macro, but i have another problem in long time.