Local OCR does not work

Received this error while trying to use the local OCR.
The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined
The OCR works if I used the online OCR but it does not work using local OCR. Can anyone help? I have installed the latest version v1.0.12

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Hi, did you test with the new UIV RPA V8.1.16? It should fix this issue.

Hi Yes I am using V8.1.16

OK, then some more questions:

  • Are you using Windows, Mac or Linux?

  • If Windows: What is the OS language? (English, German, Chinese,…)?

  • Can you post the content of ocrlang.json? This file is in the uivision/logs folder. You can also simply search for the file name and will find it. For example, the content might look like this:


I have the exact same issue as the original reporter. I am currently using version 8.2.5 and have the Enterprise Edition, Win 11 (OS Language ENG with FIN keyboard layout) and Chrome RPA Extension.

Error message:
The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined

It does not work even with very simple command like:

“Command”: “XClick”,
“Target”: “ocr=summary”,
“Value”: “”,
“Description”: “”

I had created macros using OCR previously, but any of those don’t work now. After some RPA update (cannot remember which exatcly) it started to give that error. I have tried to reinstall both RPA extension on Chrome and Xmodules (also tried to change the default folder), but no luck.

It gives the same error even if I select the “Show OCR Overlay” in the OCR tab. With Engine 1, it works. It states that it should be installed:
Status: Installed (v1.0.12)

Related to this:

  • Can you post the content of ocrlang.json ? This file is in the uivision/ logs folder. You can also simply search for the file name and will find it. For example, the content might look like this:

I checked this also, but I could not find the ocrlang.json file at all on the log folder. I remember that I had it at some point, and I think that it had [“eng”,“fin”]. But after reinstall, I cannot find that file even with thesearch so cannot check, unfortunately.

Can you please advice what to do. Thanks in advance!

I have this exact same issue and it has still not been resolved for me. I tried to get some help but was unable to solve. Since you have the same issue I am bumping this thread.

Hello, I am locking this issue since it is a duplicate of Why does OCRExtract when using XModule Local OCR throw an error but online mode works fine?

=> I just posted a workaround in the linked post, and a real fix will be available soon.