I’ve successfully exported html script files with RPA, but when attempting to open them, the text of the script opens within chrome. i.e. it doesn’t launch the script.
The FAQ is a little vague on the best way to implement using an exported file to luanch RPA(Windows).
If someone would provide a few pointers here that would be great.
Windows is used as an example here, the command line feature also works on Mac and Linux as well. “demoautofill.html” is the exported RPA macro. Note that you must use file:/// for the file path.
I assume this is your issue because if you just start with “C:.…” you will get a “file not found” error for the HTML file due to the appended “?direct=1&close=1&savelog=log1.txt” GET parameters.
The browser ask import the .html script code file into browser when it is run the first time.
(1) Which file does the task scheduler of windows run: .html file or the imported file in browser?
(2) Which file have I edit when I edit the code: .html file or the imported file in browser?
Starting with V6.1.1 the “Export to HTML (Autorun)” feature as been replaced with the better “Create autorun HTML” feature. If you select it two HTML pages are created:
ui.vision.html - this file is always the same for every macro. It takes care of starting the UI Vision extension.
start-macroname.html - this file is almost always the same. The only difference is the embedded command line link. It has the macro name inside (open the HTML file and you will easily understand!). To run the macro, open this file in a browser. It works like a shortcut link. It calls ui.vision.html which starts the extension. Of course, you can also use the embedded command line directly. the “start-macroname.html” is mainly intended as help for “command line beginners”
Inside start-macroname.html only the bold part changes for each macro:
id=“run” href=“ui.vision.html?direct=1&savelog=log.txt¯o=Demo/Core/DemoAutofill.json”>Click here