Keep side panel open when using scheduled tasks

I use Windows Task scheduler to execute PowerShell scripts to run a Macro, now life would be a lot eaiser if there was a scheduler built into UI.Vision but that could be for another request, the issue I’m having is that when the Macro is run by executing the PowerShell command to open the Macro’s Html file, if the side panel is open the macros runs inside it and then closes the side panel, if the side panel isn’t open a new tab is opened and the macro is executed in a new window, which closes most of the time. Some times a totally different tab, the one that had focus at the time the scheduled task runs, is also closed.
It would be great if we could set that the automated macros would always run in the side panel and it would remain open after the macro completed.

We would love to add a switch to the Ui.Vision command line to allow Ui.Vision to run in the side panel directly. The issue is that the Chrome side panel API does not allow to programmatically open the side panel. It can only be opened by a user click or more exactly a “user gesture”.

So in Chrome and Edge, the command line can only run macros in the Ui.Vision IDE.

However, in Firefox the situation is different:

In Firefox, if the side panel was open when the browser is close, it opens automatically when the browser is restarted. So in Firefox the command line can run macros in the side panel:

  1. Open the browser and side panel once manually. Make sure the Ui.Vision side panel is open when Firefox is closed.

  2. Now, when when you reopen Firefox the Ui.Vision side panel is open and scheduled tasks macros will run in the side panel.

If I have the side panel open and the scheduled task is executed, the macro runs inside the side panel, so that’s not the request. The request is to stop the closing of the side panel when the macro completes. Again, if the side panel isn’t open, a new window is opened to show the macro executing in the IDE. Most of the time, this window closes once the macro completes, the same behaviour as the side panel. Can this be controlled?