Kantu stops executing if both the browser and kantu window are minimized

Hi guys, I have noticed that when i’m running a loop of 10 or more, I try to run the test on chrome browser with only one tab open, as soon as I “play” the suite with around 10 “macros” and minimize both the “chrome browser” and “kantu window” the execution stops and stay purple.

How can I test(chrome) while i perform other tasks in my other browser(firefox) and make sure kantu will not stop or pause executing by itself?

I answered with some questions here: Kantu stops executing if other tabs are open in the same browser(chrome) - #4 by admin - UI.Vision RPA - UI.Vision RPA Software Forum | Discuss RPA Automation, Selenium IDE and OCR API Text Recognition

(I lock this thread now to avoid duplicates, lets continue the discussion in Kantu stops executing if other tabs are open in the same browser(chrome) - #4 by admin - UI.Vision RPA - UI.Vision RPA Software Forum | Discuss RPA Automation, Selenium IDE and OCR API Text Recognition)